Launching your course

This is a step-by-step on how to launch your course on Lawra Academy. You will learn how to set up and configure your dashboard, where you can manage your courses, lessons, quizzes, assignments, and more. You will also learn how to fill in the information about your course, such as the title, description, price, and layout. You will also learn how to add your lessons and quizzes to your course. We will provide you with some tips and best practices to help you create a high-quality and engaging course that attracts and retains learners.

1. Your Dashboard

After you finish recording your videos, you need to get familiar with your portal as an instructor and launch your course. To access your dashboard, login and click on your profile picture. Then, choose dashboard from the drop-down menu: Your dashboard has different sections:

  • Dashboard:

    • Profile: You can update your information here.
  • Course Management:

    • Courses: Here you can see the courses you have created, either drafts or published.
    • Lessons: Here you can create lessons and add them to any course.
    • Topics: Here you can divide the curriculum into topics.
    • Quizzes: Here you can create quizzes for any course you are managing.
    • Questions: Here you can add questions and assign them to certain quizzes.
    • Assignments: Here you can create assignments for any course you are managing.
    • Announcements: Here you can create an announcement for any course you are managing and share it with your students.
    • Groups: These are the student community groups where you can talk to your students, chat with them in real time. It’s like your Facebook.
  • Report:

    • Essay report: This shows all the essays submitted by students.
    • Assignment report: Here you can find all the assignments submitted by your students and you can approve them or change their status.
    • Quiz report: It shows the list of your students and how much they scored in each quiz.
    • Quiz attempts: It shows how many times each student attempted a quiz.
    • Submitted essays: Here you can find all the essays submitted by your students.
    • Course reports: This is a summary of all your courses, how many students enrolled, completed students, percentage of not started, percentage of in progress and so on.
    • Course activity: This shows the live activity of your courses, including a log of all actions.
  • Communication:

    • Send email: Here you can send an email to your students or groups.
  • Account: Under this section, you can find:

    • Settings: Here you can change your account settings.
    • Log out: Here you can log out from your dashboard.

2. Create a new course

To create a new course, follow these steps:

  • Click on the add a new course button on your dashboard page.
  • The platform will open two tabs for you: Course page and Curriculum.
  • On the Course page tab, fill in the information about your course:

    • Course title: Make your title brief but informative. Use keywords to improve the searchability of your course. Be concise, specific, and keep it within 60 characters or less. For example, “Biology IGCSE Course for Grade 9”.
    • Course status: Start by setting this as a draft, and once you are ready you can change it to pending for approval or published.
    • Course content: Write a detailed and unique description of your course. Explain why someone would want to enroll in your course and what they will learn from it. List all objectives to be covered in the course. Your course description is crucial to your success on our academy. This is one of the first things your potential learners will see when they’re browsing courses. It’s similar to when shopping for a product online. You want to read the product details, look at pictures, and read reviews before you decide whether or not to purchase. Learners will do the same thing and decide whether to enroll in your course after they review the information on the course landing page. Your course description must be at least 200 words long, but we recommend between 1,200-1,700 words. Your description should be unique and showcase what differentiates your course from others in the marketplace. Don’t reuse language from other courses nor repeat information from other parts of your course landing page. You can look at other published courses for examples of how to write a good course description.
    • Featured image: Upload a relevant and appealing image that represents your course and/or brand. Your course image will be used across the site, in ads, and emails, so ensure it’s appealing and sets your course apart from the others.
    • Course category: Choose from the drop-down menu the category of your course, for example science, humanities, etc.
    • Course tag: Select the tag of your course based on the level, for example IGCSE, AP, or IB course. Choose from the drop-down menu.
    • Cover image: Don’t upload any image here since we want the format of our courses to be consistent with the website.
  • On the Settings tab, fill in the information as follows:
    • Course materials: Enable this to upload any files or documents that you want to share with your students that are not lesson specific, for example, syllabus or curriculum. otherwise, you can just include “Computer and internet connection”
    • Course certificate: We don’t issue certificates at the moment so leave this blank.
    • Custom pagination: Turn this on. Two fields will appear for lessons and topics. Insert the number 30 in each.
    • Access mode: Choose “closed”. Then, a course price field will appear. Put your price there in USD.
    • Course enrollment URL: Leave this blank until we review the course and provide you the link.
    • Course prerequisites: Keep this disabled.
    • Course points: Keep this disabled.
    • Course access expiration: Keep this disabled.
    • Course progression: Choose free form.
    • Share course: Add any co-author if there is any.
    • Course layout: Choose Udemy.
    • Custom course features: Keep this disabled.
  • After you complete these fields, click submit. Once you submit, another tab will appear which is Builder. Here you can add your lessons